Wednesday, December 20, 2017

TWD - Favorite Moments From 8x07 & 8x08

Hi Everyone!

I am recaping both 8x07 and 8x08 in this post since I was unable to finish my 8x07 recap a couple of weeks ago due to losing power in the snow storm. 

I am very much still spinning from the mid-season finale as I love the Grimes family and the special relationship that Carl and Michonne share. I will actually probably miss their scenes together even more than the ones between Rick and Carl. Things just feel so dark right now!

Ok....on with the recaps...........

In 8x07 I really loved this moment between Michonne and Daryl as it has been awhile since these two characters have had a scene all to themselves. It was so sincere when Michonne expressed why she could not go through with the plan and I thought Daryl's reaction was really understanding when he told her that she shouldn't have to do it. I just really like the friendship that they share and I would love to have a Richonne and Caryl double date at some point in the future!

I thought this moment between Rick and Jadis has been LONG overdue!!! I have never bought the idea that a community of dumpster divers are stronger than Rick and our group. I am honestly still trying to see the point of these characters as they just seem like a bunch of pointless freaks but maybe they will surprise us and do something worthy in the next half of the season.

Now let's talk about 8x08 and that glorious moment when our Queen Machine saved the day once again! Thanks to Carol's perfect timing Rick was no longer stranded on the battlefield. 
By the way.....I can't believe this is the first time Rick and Carol have shared a scene together since season 6!!! That is ridiculous to me as these two characters go all the way back to the beginning and have such a strong history. Speaking of their history, I had the thought that since Rick put Sofia down....maybe Carol should be the one to put Carl down? Even though this scenario is really hard for me to fathom, I think it would be both a moving and honorable way to come full circle.

This precious scene between Judith and Michonne is probably one of my favorite of the whole season so far. I had actually hoped for more moments like this when the season began. Watching Michonne "mother" Judith and Carl is one of the things I love most about the show. Her bond with these kids is so special and beautiful, and I can't stand to think about her having to now lose another son!

I was so relived when Ezekiel decided to take Carol's advice and "play the part" of heroic King once again. He jumped into action and got the Kingdomers to safety before surrendering himself to the Saviors. What I loved most about this scene was what he told Carol as he was shutting the gates, "Save them like you saved me". I think as fans we can all relate to those words as Carol's story has inspired and saved so many of us at some point in our lives. ❤

I am thoroughly enjoying Maggie's journey this season as she fully owns her leadership at the Hilltop. Trusting her instincts and taking control of the situations she is dealt has been an absolute joy to watch. I loved her coffin warning to the Saviors that she will kill the remaining 38 of them if they don't stop playing games! What moves me the most about Maggie is thinking about all that she has lost and been through and yet continues to rise up to be a pillar of strength for those around her. It is such a beautiful thing for her character and I look forward to more of it in the next half of the season.

Lastly, I feel kind of scarred for life from the expression on Rick and Michonne's faces as they realized what had happened to Carl. The only thing that made this scene half way bearable was the shot of Daryl preciously holding Judith knowing how her little life was about to change forever without her big brother by her side. I always thought that Carl would be the last man standing in the end so I feel very blindsided by this twist! I have to also say that I'll be royally disappointed if Carol doesn't get to be apart of his death and say her goodbyes since he and Sofia were such close friends.

I can't believe we are already on hiatus again but I have enjoyed recapping my favorite moments each week and I also greatly appreciate all of you that read my CRAZY thoughts every week!!! 😜

Until next time I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Remember to JSS 💔
Love & Hugs,

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